Whereas the Death Knight and Thief classes require multiple skill points for a use point, the Mystic gains 1 use point for each skill point. If he answers the door, you are asked to guess a number between 1 and 100 within six guesses. You will be given an opportunity to knock or bang on the old mage's door, and will randomly answer the door. MysticĪs the Mystic, you gain skill points by stumbling upon a house of an old mage. If you choose correctly you are you are awarded a skill point. There you are judge and jury to a prisoner, and either release them if innocent or send them to their death if guilty. Death KnightĪs the Death Knight, you gain skill points by being brought to a dungeon by other Death Knights. You gain skill points, which add up to use points, with each successful event in the forest. Each class gains use points via events in the forest, at random times. When first starting out you are given the choice of three starting classes: Death Knight, Mystic, and a Thief.
After word of mouth spread, he began sell copies to others to host it as a door game on their bulletin board systems. It was originally made as a way to keep people coming back to Robinson's own BBS.
Legend of the Red Dragon was Created by Seth Robinson in 1989.