USA Coin Book Estimated Value of 1880-O Morgan Silver Dollar (80 Over 79 Variety) is Worth $54 in Average Condition and can be Worth $329 to $18,033 or more in Uncirculated (MS+) Mint Condition. The difference between the 1880 O normal date vs 1880/79 (80 over 79) Morgan dollar varieties is depicted below in the example comparison image:Ĭoin Value Chart: Typical Coin Prices, Values and Worth in USD based on Grade/Condition Good
A small piece of the underlying '9' is also seen inside the '0' at the upper-right side. This variety is fairly easy to identify because the underlying '7' is clearly visible within the top part of the '8'. This coin features an 1880 date struck over the previous year of 1879 date - which resulted in an 80 over 79 date. One major variety is the 1880/79 O Morgan Silver Dollar with an 80/79 overdate from the New Orleans Mint. What This Coin Looks Like (Obverse, Reverse, Mint Mark Location, Special Features, etc.):